But, finding the locations of each server takes a lot of research. Who has time for that? Plus, there’s no guarantee you’ll even find every server location. So, to make your lives that much easier, we contacted our most popular VPN providers and asked them for the locations of their servers. (You can thank us by sharing this with your friends.) A little note: We listed the countries of these servers, but not the cities. One of our contacts at PIA explained why: “…Server locations are not fixed to a particular city. While our servers are in city A for today, we could decide to move it to city B in the same region for any reason. As such, […] providing cities to our customers could be misleading if they were to subscribe […] with the assumption that we have and will always have a particular city. What’s important for performance is the proximity of the servers (which can be automatically selected by the VPN application) and the country in which it is in.” So, without further ado, here is a list of all the server locations for our most popular VPN providers.